Dragon Pantry

This is a free food pantry that all students are welcome to use. We offer things such as nonperishable food, personal hygiene items, feminine hygiene products, laundry supplies and more. 

Popular Items:

  • Protein: canned tuna, canned chunk chicken breast, black beans, baked beans
  • Soup: broccoli & cheese, chicken noodle, chicken and rice, cream of chicken, french onion, tomato, vegetable
  • Fruit (canned): fruit cocktail, mandarin oranges, mixed fruit cup, peaches, pineapple
  • Vegetables (canned): green beans, sweet corn
  • Breakfast Items: individual cereal cups, oatmeal, pop tarts, fruit & grain bars, individual pancake cups
  • Snacks: individual chip bags, granola bars, fruit snacks, trail mix, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers, rice krispy treats, swiss rolls, pudding cups, muffins
  • Pasta/Noodles/Rice/Sauce: beef ramen, chicken ramen, hamburger helper, spaghetti-o's, macaroni & cheese, angel hair pasta, marinara sauce, alfredo sauce, rice-a-roni, minute rice cups
  • Potatoes: instant mashed potato cup 
  • Personal Hygiene: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, razors, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, hand soap, tissues
  • Feminine Hygiene: tampons, pads, liners
  • Laundry: detergent pods, dryer sheets
  • Other: dish sponges, napkins, paper bowls, paper plates, plastic silverware, toilet paper
Rank State Gifts
1 NONE 0
1 AA 0
1 AE 0
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